Using Recycled Aggregates


Henderson Recycling is one of the largest recycled aggregates suppliers in the Denver metro area.

Recycled concrete is sourced from concrete structures, sidewalks, pavements, and building slabs. As broken concrete is disposed of at our recycling location and processed by support equipment, our plants crush the concrete into smaller pieces. The screens size the crushed concrete to a finished specification. Our quality control ensures a high quality recycled aggregate product.

Virgin Material Preservation. Sustainability. Environmental Responsibility.

The benefits of utilizing recycled concrete and recycled asphalt is an important consideration for construction project planning. Recycled aggregate conserves landfill space by eliminating waste disposal to alternatively recycle usable materials. The recycling process eliminates the negative environmental impact of the virgin aggregate extraction process while conserving virgin materials.


Recycled concrete and recycled asphalt is frequently used as the foundation for roads and highway pavement and is generally accepted by the Department of Transportation. The aggregate base course is placed upon the subgrade directly underneath the paved surface and is a highly effective structural foundation for paving.


Recycled aggregates can be mixed in with lower quality subgrade material to strengthen the load bearing capacity of the subgrade. The blend of recycled aggregate alters the water permeability of the subgrade and improves the stability of the soil.


As an alternative to virgin aggregate, recycled concrete functions appropriately as a stable foundation for underground utilities.